I would like to find out if I have unclaimed money

Looking for money I did not receive. Was told that the government may be holding it for me to claim . How can I call or check. I looked on the website but too many scams


To determine whether you have unclaimed money with the State of Florida, you will need to search the Florida Department of Revenue unclaimed property site here:  (https://www.fltreasurehunt.gov/).  

Click on the "Search Unclaimed Property" icon at the top of the page to begin your search.

On the next page, enter your name in the search boxes and click the SEARCH button. You will see a list of items that match your search. Click on the account number next to each item on the list to see the details.To begin the process of claiming unclaimed money or property, when you find the record you are looking for, select the "Yes" response under "Do you want to claim this account?"  Then follow the online prompts to start your claim.

For additional information and assistance, you can contact the Bureau at by phone at (toll-free) 1-888-258-2253 or by email at FloridaUnclaimedProperty@MyFloridaCFO.com

  • Last Updated Apr 19, 2019
  • Views 32
  • Answered By Josie (State Library of Florida)

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